Workspace Setup
Manage Members

Managing Members

As a workspace administrator - you can easily manage your members via the workspace settings modal. This allows you to configure, upgrade, and remove members.

Inviting Members

When you invite members - members will be in a pending state - this means that they were sent an email but have not formally accepted request and created an account.


Note: the user MUST create an account with the email that you provided

Shade will send an email upon the initial invite and follow up with reminders on a specific set interval.

You can also opt to “remind users” manually via the UI

How am I billed for members?

If you add a member in the middle of a month - that member’s bill will be prorated for the amount they were added for that month. The proration happens daily.

If you purchased on an annual plan, this will follow suit but be prorated for the entire year (and the annual discount will be applied).

If you upgrade from a base plan to a higher plan, all members bills will be prorated for the amount of time you spent on either plan during the billing period.

Setting Up SSO/SAML

You have the ability on the Growth plan to enforce SSO/SAML, this can be done via the Identity and Provisioning tab, for more information about SSO/SAML - check out the SSO/SAML and Identity Sections